Monday, April 26, 2010

New Frog Found—Has "Striking" Color Change

Found on the National Geographic website.

"A newfound frog species undergoes a "striking" change from a black, yellow-spotted youngster to a peach-colored, blue-eyed adult, scientists say.

Oreophryne ezra was discovered in 2004 in a tiny, mountaintop cloud forest in southeastern Papua New Guinea. The forest has been long avoided by locals, who believe the misty jungle to be taboo, and perhaps guarded by spirits.

Though a few other frogs are known to switch colors as they mature, "I don't think the difference in color pattern is as startling as what's seen in this species," said Fred Kraus, a vertebrate zoologist at the Bishop Museum in Honolulu, Hawaii.

But why the amphibian undergoes such a drastic transition is far from black and white, added Kraus, leader of a new study on the frog in the December 2009 issue of the journal Copeia."

Thought this was interesting, because of my images changing, this is more of a REAL-LIFE change, ..... NATURE, just like Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

RESEARCH: Kohei Nawa, PixCell - ...... (Beads)

PixCell - Paper Plane

h: 8, w: 22, d: 14 cm

PixCell - Sheep

h: 80, w: 37, d: 124 cm


h:101.4 w:65.5 d:48.5 cm

PixCell - ...... (Beads)
"By covering surface of an object with transparent glass beads, the existence of the object itself is replaced by "a husk of light", and the new vision "the cell of an image" (PixCell) is shown.
Most of the motifs, like stuffed animals are found through the internet. I search some auction sites and choose from the images which appear on a monitor as pixel. However, the stuffed animals which actually have been purchased and sent have real flesh feel and smell, and have a discrepancy with images on the monitor. I then transpose them to PixCell in turn.

These objects are like low quality jpegs, looking at them makes them look like jpegs, but up close in detail they are very crisp.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

RESEARCH: Reuben Paterson, When the Sun Rises and the Shadows Flee, 2005

When the Sun Rises and the Shadows Flee 2005

this work of Reuben Patersons' reminds me of glittery pixels

Mark Khaisman uses only brown parcel tape to create images of people and scenes from movies. From a distance they look like they could be images made on a computer.

RESEARCH: Ana Terry terra_data 2008

"Terra_data (2008) continued to explore my ongoing interest and research in the notion of the archive, data and perception of information mediated at speed by a screen - specifically a vehicle screen at speed. Landscape prints were cut into strips and re-assembled into a running wall work that surrounded the viewer in the gallery space. Boundaries of the frame were broken down and visual information became intertwined with other territories offering multiple 'points of view'. This reconfiguration of the material suggested a shuttered panorama at the peripheral of our vision as we drive towards a given destination - a vanishing point on the horizon." -Ana Terry

slicing and dicing

The top image is made from layers of 5 different images.
I see the chunks of picture's to be large pixels.

Monday, April 19, 2010

finer slices of my cat, and a loepard


smaller slices


Taken from the idea of two way pictures (see below) I have been slicing images and layering images together to make new images, they seem to make up a new picture. The images together make new connections were parts of two or more images link in to each other.

here is my first image,